Gluster Log Tools and Structured Logging
All Gluster components follow the same format for logging, as shown below

But as you have observed already, we don’t follow any format for the actual message. No generic parser can extract metrics/details from the log files since the format differs for each message.
Install Gluster Log tools
Clone and install gluster-log
tools using,
git clone https://github.com/aravindavk/glusterlog.git
cd glusterlog
make install
Adding Colors to Gluster log files
Add colors to Gluster logs using gluster-log colorize
tail -1000 /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log | gluster-log colorize
grep " E " /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log | gluster-log colorize
cat /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log | gluster-log colorize > /tmp/glusterd_color.log
less -R /tmp/glusterd_color.log

If logs are in structured logging is format,

Gluster logs in JSON format
To convert the Gluster logs to json
format for further processing,
tail -1 /var/log/glusterfs/glusterd.log | gluster-log json
Example output,
"known_format": true,
"ts": "2017-10-10 09:26:08.243591",
"log_level": "E",
"msg_id": "",
"file_info": "rpcsvc.c:1609:rpcsvc_program_unregister",
"domain": "0-rpc-service",
"message": "Program unregistration failed: Gluster MGMT Handshake, Num: 1239873, Ver: 1, Port: 0",
"fields": {
Structured Logging
Framework to add structured logging support is already available in Gluster(Patch and details). We have to convert the existing log messages to this new format.
For example, below log message contains two variables, Client and version, but the generic parser can’t split this message into key values. We will end up having custom parser for each message.
[2017-10-10 09:07:22.662717] I [MSGID: 115029] [server-handshake.c:800:server_setvolume] 0-gv1-server: \
accepted client from f26-16826-2017/10/10-09:07:22:630133-gv1-client-0-0-0 (version: 4.0dev)
Converted JSON,
$grep "MSGID: 115029" /var/log/glusterfs/bricks/bricks-b1.log | gluster-log json
"known_format": true,
"ts": "2017-10-10 09:07:22.662717",
"log_level": "I",
"msg_id": "115029",
"file_info": "server-handshake.c:800:server_setvolume",
"domain": "0-gv1-server",
"message": "accepted client from f26-16826-2017/10/10-09:07:22:630133-gv1-client-0-0-0 (version: 4.0dev)",
"fields": {
If we change the format as below then it can be parsed easily.
[2017-10-10 09:07:22.662717] I [MSGID: 115029] [server-handshake.c:800:server_setvolume] 0-gv1-server: \
accepted client from=f26-16826-2017/10/10-09:07:22:630133-gv1-client-0-0-0 version=4.0dev
Converted JSON,
$grep "MSGID: 115029" /var/log/glusterfs/bricks/bricks-b1.log | gluster-log json
"known_format": true,
"ts": "2017-10-10 09:07:22.662717",
"log_level": "I",
"msg_id": "115029",
"file_info": "server-handshake.c:800:server_setvolume",
"domain": "0-gv1-server",
"message": "accepted client",
"fields": {
"from": "f26-16826-2017/10/10-09:07:22:630133-gv1-client-0-0-0",
"version": "4.0dev"
Patch to change the existing log message to new format,
diff --git a/xlators/protocol/server/src/server-handshake.c
index f2ab93fe5..09659754e 100644
--- a/xlators/protocol/server/src/server-handshake.c
+++ b/xlators/protocol/server/src/server-handshake.c
@@ -794,10 +794,11 @@ server_setvolume (rpcsvc_request_t *req)
/* Store options received from client side */
req->trans->clnt_options = dict_ref(params);
- gf_msg (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, 0, PS_MSG_CLIENT_ACCEPTED,
- "accepted client from %s (version: %s)",
- client->client_uid,
- (clnt_version) ? clnt_version : "old");
+ gf_smsg (this->name, GF_LOG_INFO, 0, PS_MSG_CLIENT_ACCEPTED,
+ "accepted client",
+ "from=%s", client->client_uid,
+ "version=%s", (clnt_version) ? clnt_version : "old",
+ NULL);
gf_event (EVENT_CLIENT_CONNECT, "client_uid=%s;"
Status of Structured logging in Gluster
About Aravinda Vishwanathapura
Co-Founder & CTO at Kadalu Technologies, Creator of Sanka, Creator of Chitra, GlusterFS core team member, Maintainer of Kadalu Storage