10 minutes introduction to Gluster Eventing Feature

May 11, 2016
4 minutes read.
gluster glusterfsblog
Demo video is included in the end, or you can directly watch it on Youtube

Gluster Eventing is the new feature as part of Gluster.Next initiatives, it provides close to realtime notification and alerts for the Gluster cluster state changes.

Websockets APIs to consume events will be added later. Now we emit events via another popular mechanism called "Webhooks".(Many popular products provide notifications via Webhooks Github, Atlassian, Dropbox and many more)

Webhooks are similar to callbacks(over HTTP), on event Gluster will call the Webhook URL(via POST) which is configured. Webhook is a web server which listens on a URL, this can be deployed outside of the Cluster. Gluster nodes should be able to access this Webhook server on the configured port. We will discuss about adding/testing webhook later.

Example Webhook written in python,

from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route("/listen", methods=["POST"])
def events_listener():
    gluster_event = request.json
    if gluster_event is None:
        # No event to process, may be test call
        return "OK"

    # Process gluster_event
    # {
    #  "nodeid": NODEID,
    #  "ts": EVENT_TIMESTAMP,
    #  "event": EVENT_TYPE,
    #  "message": EVENT_DATA
    # }
    return "OK""", port=9000)

Eventing feature is not yet available in any of the releases, patch is under review in upstream master( If anybody interested in trying it out can cherrypick the patch from

git clone
cd glusterfs
git fetch refs/changes/48/14248/5
git checkout FETCH_HEAD
git checkout -b <YOUR_BRANCH_NAME>
make install

Start the Eventing using,

gluster-eventing start

Other commands available are stop, restart, reload and status. gluster-eventing --help for more details.

Now Gluster can send out notifications via Webhooks. Setup a web server listening to a POST request and register that URL to Gluster Eventing. Thats all.

gluster-eventing webhook-add <MY_WEB_SERVER_URL>

For example, if my webserver is running at then register using,

gluster-eventing webhook-add ``

We can also test if web server is accessible from all Gluster nodes using webhook-test subcommand.

gluster-eventing webhook-test

With the initial patch only basic events are covered, I will add more events once this patch gets merged. Following events are available now.

Volume Create
Volume Delete
Volume Start
Volume Stop
Peer Attach
Peer Detach

Created a small demo to show this eventing feature, it uses Web server which is included with the patch for Testing.(laptop hostname is sonne)

/usr/share/glusterfs/scripts/ --port 8080

Login to Gluster node and start the eventing,

gluster-eventing start
gluster-eventing webhook-add http://sonne:8080/listen

And then login to VM and run Gluster commands to probe/detach peer, volume create, start etc and Observe the realtime notifications for the same where eventsdash is running.


ssh root@fvm1
gluster peer attach fvm2
gluster volume create gv1 fvm1:/bricks/b1 fvm2:/bricks/b2 force
gluster volume start gv1
gluster volume stop gv1
gluster volume delete gv1
gluster peer detach fvm2

Demo also includes a Web UI which refreshes its UI automatically when something changes in Cluster.(I am still fine tuning this UI, not yet available with the patch. But soon will be available as seperate repo in my github)


  • Will this feature available in 3.8 release?

    Sadly No. I couldn’t get this merged before 3.8 feature freeze :(

  • Is it possible to create a simple Gluster dashboard outside the cluster?

    It is possible, along with the events we also need REST APIs to get more information from cluster or to perform any action in cluster. (WIP REST APIs are available here)

  • Is it possible to filter only alerts or critical notifications?

    Thanks Kotresh for the suggestion. Yes it is possible to add event_type and event_group information to the dict so that it can be filtered easily.(Not yet available now, but will add this feature once this patch gets merged in Master)

  • Is documentation available to know more about eventing design and internals?

    Design spec available here (which discusses about Websockets, currently we don’t have Websockets support). Usage documentation is available in the commit message of the patch(

Comments and Suggestions Welcome.

About Aravinda Vishwanathapura

Co-Founder & CTO at Kadalu Technologies, Creator of Sanka, Creator of Chitra, GlusterFS core team member, Maintainer of Kadalu Storage
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